
The Cook, the Farmer, His Wife and Their Neighbour


Artist:Marjetica Potrč and Wilde Westen (Lucia Babina, Reinder Bakker, Hester van Dijk, Sylvain Hartenberg, Merijn Oudenampsen, Eva Pfannes, Henriette Waal).
The project has to be mentioned always with the full name of the artists/authors.
Location:Lodewijk van Deysselstraat 61, New West Amsterdam, Netherlands
Media/Type:on-site projects; community garden and community kitchen; building materials, energy infrastructure, vegetable garden
Commissioner:Commissioner: Stedelijk, in collaboration with Marjetica Potrc and Wilde Westen, and Far West housing corporation.
Researcher:Giusy Checola

 This project combines visual art and social structures to redefine the concept of the green village. The Amsterdam suburb of Nieuw West was built after World War II. Today it is one of the largest residential redevelopment sites in Europe. During the 1980s, however, this space turned into a No Man’s Land, and in the 1990s, many of the lots were fenced-off. In 2004, the city transferred ownership of the gardens to housing corporations, who saw no value in the open space.

In collaboration with the residents of the district, the artists returned the land to grain production. Here, farming and cooking were seen as a way for people to share knowledge and traditions and a means for the cultural renewal and rebirth of the neighborhood. During the year in which the projectwas in progress, the residents themselves became the key players involved. In September 2009, they took over its management. They formed a committee of eight, which was responsible for the two spaces and proudly committed themselves to keeping the garden and the kitchen open for growing food and cooking.

The space also serves as a location for workshops and for neighborhood cultural programs. The project provides a center around which the community can engage in the process of “building a place”. The community kitchen has also brought a greater sense of security to the street — another bit of added value for the neighborhood. The project shows us that not only do residents wish to participate in designing “their” city, but also that such a thing is indeed possible.

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Organizing Committee:

Wang Dawei(CHN)
Jack Becker (USA)

Vice Chairman:
Lewis Biggs (UK)
John McCormack(NZL)
Lu Fusheng(CHN)

Jin Jiangbo

Deputy Secretary-General:
Pan Li
Ling Min

Wang Jue,Wang Hongyi,
Liu Jingming, Ruan Jun,
Li Wei, Cen Moshi ,
Son Guoshuan,Zhang Yujie,
Zhou Xian, Chen Yang,
Chen Wenjia, Ji Chunxiao,
Zheng Xiao,Yao Jian,
Zhong Guoxiang, Hu Jianjun,
Chang Hao, Zhang Lili,
Jing Shuting, Dong Shunqi,
Fu Mengting,Cai Jianjun

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