
2501 Migrants


Artist: Alejandro Santiago
Date: 2009
Location: Initially the work was loacted at the University of Cultures Forum, 
Media/Type:Sculpture Commissioner: Self-commisionned
Researcher: Peter Morales

2,501 Migrants consists of the eponymous number of life-size terracotta figures. It goes beyond the conceptual, causing one to feel as though she is in a crowd of absent beings. Migrant right is a huge, often-discussed issue in Mexico.

Most of the men had migrated north to the United States in search of better living conditions. The artist was alarmed by the massive absence, He calculated that the number of migrants was 2,500 (and because he had also been a migrant and his daughter was born and grew up during the project, she represents the additional one in 2501). Ultimately, the artist wanted to line the sculptures of the migrants along the US/Mexico border looking south. Regardless of where the work is displayed, this project creates a special haunting space. It has long lasting impact.


Organizing Committee:

Wang Dawei(CHN)
Jack Becker (USA)

Vice Chairman:
Lewis Biggs (UK)
John McCormack(NZL)
Lu Fusheng(CHN)

Jin Jiangbo

Deputy Secretary-General:
Pan Li
Ling Min

Wang Jue,Wang Hongyi,
Liu Jingming, Ruan Jun,
Li Wei, Cen Moshi ,
Son Guoshuan,Zhang Yujie,
Zhou Xian, Chen Yang,
Chen Wenjia, Ji Chunxiao,
Zheng Xiao,Yao Jian,
Zhong Guoxiang, Hu Jianjun,
Chang Hao, Zhang Lili,
Jing Shuting, Dong Shunqi,
Fu Mengting,Cai Jianjun

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